Make a Donation

Only 19% of people in Ireland with Osteoporosis are diagnosed, leaving 280,000 without a diagnosis. Your donation will go toward making a significant difference in the awareness and service we can provide.


The IOS Charity runs the National Osteoporosis Helpline and the National Osteoporosis website. The charity assists those diagnosed with Osteoporosis, those at risk and carers of people living with Osteoporosis.

All  funds must be raised to cover the cost of all services. Since only 19% of people are diagnosed, your donation will make a significant difference to us.

Credit Card:

To donate to the Irish Osteoporosis Society using your credit card, please use the DONATE button on our website.

Cheque or Postal Order

Please make your cheque or postal order payable to:
Irish Osteoporosis Society
1B Clonskeagh Square
Dublin 14
DI4 R6C8

Direct Debit:

Rather than sending a once-off donation to the Irish Osteoporosis Society, you may wish to set up a once a year direct debit. This type of donation is very valuable to the IOS as it allows us to plan projects into the future.

For more information on setting up a direct debit, please call 01-637 5050 or email iosoffice@localhost.

Tax Relief on Donations:

If you are a PAYE taxpayer, you can make your donation to the Irish Osteoporosis Society stretch even further. We can claim a refund of the tax on gifts by grossing up the donation at the specified rate of 31%.

With the government’s scheme of tax relief, people who gift over €250 in any given tax year will see their donation grow by as much as 45%.

Therefore, if you are able to donate €250 in any one year, we can then claim back your tax at the end of the year allowing your donation to grow to €362.32.

If you wish to do this, we can send the form out to you.

For more information: e-mail us at info@localhost or view the Revenue’s website.

Note: Companies and self-employed people may register gifts to Charities as tax-deductible expenses.
